Matcha Green Tea Is Better Than Ordinary Green Tea?

Matcha green tea is grown and processed differently than other green teas

Green tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world.

It brings many health benefits, such as weight loss and heart health improvement .

It is thought that matcha green tea even better for health other types.

It is grown and processed differently from other green teas, and all tea leaves are used.

But is matcha really like what people say?

This article offers a detailed view of matcha green tea and its health effects.

Matcha green tea is what?

Matcha and green tea are usually derived from trees Camellia sinensis , originated from China.

However, matcha is grown differently than regular green tea. Tea trees are covered about 20-30 days before harvest, to avoid direct sunlight.

Growth in the dark, increasing chlorophyll growth, makes the leaves darker and increases the production of amino acids.

After harvest, people separate stalks and leaf veins from the tea leaves. Then, grind them into green powder, called matcha.

Because matcha powder made from whole tea leaves is eaten on the stomach instead of drinking green tea made from tea leaves, the content of some substances in matcha higher in green tea water. These include caffeine and antioxidants.

A glass of matcha mixed with half a teaspoon of powder usually contains about 35 mg of caffeine. A little more than a regular green tea cup.

Matcha can taste bitter, has a grassy smell, and is often used with sweetener or milk . Matcha powder is also popular in cake and smoothie recipes.

Conclude: Matcha is a high quality green tea. It is grown and processed differently than regular green tea, and has higher caffeine and antioxidant content.

How is matcha tea prepared?

There are 3 ways to make matcha tea is standard, light and bold

Matcha tea is prepared differently from regular green tea. Tea is often made from soaked tea leaves, while matcha is made from pure tea leaves finely ground.

Matcha is usually prepared in the traditional Japanese way. Tea is measured with a type of bamboo spoon called shashaku, put into a hot tea cup, called a chawan.

After that, hot water (about 70 ° C) is added to the cup. Tea is struck with a special float made of bamboo, called chasen, until it becomes smooth and foamy on the face.

Matcha can be mixed according to some of the following uniform criteria:

  • Standard: Most people mix 1 teaspoon of matcha powder with 2 ounces (60 ml) of hot water.
  • Usucha (pale): This lighter version uses about half a teaspoon of matcha, mixed with about 90-120 ml of hot water.
  • Koicha (concentrated): This dense version is sometimes part of a Japanese tea ceremony. 2 teaspoons of matcha are mixed with about 30 ml of hot water. It is imperative not to have foam and must be premium matcha.

Watch this video to see how to make matcha in just 1 minute:

However, remember that you are not really need All come to these cumbersome tools to brew a delicious matcha glass. Just a cup, a teaspoon and a small spoon is enough.

Conclude: To prepare matcha tea, mix 1 teaspoon of powder with hot water (not boiling). Use a spoon to beat the tea to blend with foam on the face.

Health benefits of matcha

Because matcha is simply a kind of green tea, it has almost the same health benefits.

However, since matcha has more antioxidants, a matcha cup may have the same effect as about 3 cups green tea.

There are not many specialized studies on human matcha, but animal studies have shown that it can reduce the risk of kidney and liver damage by reducing sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol .

Matcha also seems to be more effective than regular green tea in fighting bacteria, viruses and fungi .

These are the main health benefits associated with drinking matcha green tea.

Drinking matcha tea can help with weight loss

Matcha contains many antioxidants

Antioxidants in the diet prevent the formation of free radicals in the body, helping to protect cells and tissues from injury.

Matcha has a lot of antioxidants, especially . The most powerful catechin in matcha is epigallocatechin gallate .

EGCG has been extensively studied. It can fight inflammation in the body, help maintain healthy arteries, promote cell repair and more .

Moreover, pure leaf tea contains more antioxidants than filter tea or instant products .

One study found that matcha contains 137 times more antioxidants than regular green tea and up to 3 times more than other high-quality teas .

Conclude: Matcha contains about 3 times more antioxidants than other high quality green teas.

Drinking matcha may reduce your risk of heart disease

Heart disease is the biggest cause of death worldwide, and there are many "risk factors" that cause heart disease .

Drinking green tea can help improve total cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride cholesterol and blood sugar levels .

Moreover, green tea can counteract oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a major risk factor for heart disease .

Studies have shown that people who drink green tea have a 31% lower risk of heart disease than those who don't drink green tea .

This is mainly due to the antioxidants and plant compounds in green tea, and the content of these substances in matcha is even higher in regular green tea.

Conclude: People drinking green tea have a 31% lower risk of heart disease than people who don't drink green tea. And similar in people who drink matcha, because matcha even has more protective compounds.

Matcha tea can help with weight loss

Common green tea related to weight loss. In fact, it is a popular ingredient in many functional foods for weight loss .

Human studies suggest that green tea may increase the amount of calories burned by increasing metabolic rate. It has also been shown to increase the burning of selected fats by up to 17% .

However, keep in mind that drinking green tea is just a very small piece of a weight loss picture, and not all studies agree that it will help.

A recent evaluation study concluded that the weight-loss effect of green tea is so small that they are not "clinically important" .

Conclude: Drinking green tea can help lose weight and burn fat. However, the evidence is unclear and the long-term effect is very small.

Drinking matcha can help relax and stay alert

Matcha green tea is good for the elderly

In addition to being a great source of antioxidants, green tea contains a specific amino acid called .

Matcha tea actually contains higher levels of L-theanine than other green teas.

In humans, L-theanine may increase in the brain. These waves involve mental relaxation, and can help fight stress signals .

L-theanine also calms the effect of caffeine in the body, increases alertness without causing drowsiness, often after a coffee drink. Matcha tea is actually reported to be "more elusive" than mildly and elusive (coffee). ).

L-theanine may also increase the amount of substance that causes excitement in the brain, leading to improved mood, memory and concentration .

Furthermore, studies show that powdered green tea can improve brain function and reduce cognitive decline in age in the elderly .

Conclude: Matcha contains both caffeine and L-theanine, which promotes alertness without causing drowsiness. L-theanine can also improve mood, memory and concentration.

Are there any side effects?

All nutrition sources have pros and cons. Matcha is no exception.

Because matcha contains many substances (both good and bad) at high levels, it is generally not recommended to drink more than two cups a day.

Matcha contains a huge amount of plant compounds and can contain contaminants from soil or the environment


By consuming matcha powder, you are actually drinking whole tea leaves - along with everything it contains.

Matcha tea leaves may contain contaminants absorbed from the land they are grown, including heavy metals, pesticides and fluoride .

Using organic matcha may reduce the risk of exposure, but the soil may still contain harmful substances in large quantities.

Too many plant compounds

In nutrition, not always more also better.

Matcha contains about 3 times more antioxidants than regular high quality green tea.

This means that two cups of matcha can provide the same amount of plant compounds six cups full Other high quality green teas.

Although tolerance varies depending on the location of each person, high levels of matcha plant compounds can cause nausea and symptoms of liver or kidney poisoning .

Some individuals showed signs of liver toxicity after drinking 6 cups of green tea daily for 4 months, equivalent to 2 cups of matcha per day .

Conclude: Do not drink more than 2 cups of matcha per day. Matcha contains a huge amount of plant compounds and can contain contaminants from soil or the environment.

Matcha is healthier than regular green tea

Matcha is a powerful green tea. Derived from the same plant, matcha is grown and mixed with regular green tea.

Because when the leaves are pulverized, you will use all the tea leaves.

For this reason, matcha may be more beneficial than regular green tea.